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Exploring Global Trends: A Tableau Data Visualization Project

October 26, 2023
Rashid Al-Fahim
Rashid Al-Fahim
🇺🇸 United States
Rashid Al-Fahim is a seasoned Tableau Homework Expert with a Ph.D. from Khalifa University in the UAE. With over 8 years of experience, he excels in simplifying complex data visualizations for students, ensuring clarity and comprehension in every assignment.
Key Topics
  • Homework Description:
  • Solution
    • Project Guidelines:
    • Insights and Experience:
Tip of the day
Before applying any statistical test, understand its assumptions, such as normality, independence, or equal variance. Using a test inappropriately can lead to misleading results and incorrect conclusions.
Tableau introduces real-time statistical analysis features, improving data visualization for academic projects.

In this data visualization project, we embark on a journey to explore global trends using Tableau Public. We dive into the "gapminder.csv" dataset to create captivating visualizations that shed light on life expectancy, GDP per capita, population growth, and the intricate relationship between these factors over time. Join us as we unveil the story behind the data, offering fascinating insights and comparing our findings to a renowned YouTube video by Hans Rosling. Discover how our experience with Tableau Public enhanced our data visualization capabilities, making complex insights accessible with just a few clicks.

Homework Description:

This data visualization project aims to equip you with the skills to create engaging data visualizations using Tableau Public. You'll be working with the 'gapminder.csv' dataset to build a dashboard and explore insights related to life expectancy, GDP per capita, population growth, and the relationship between life expectancy and GDP per capita over time.


Project Guidelines:

  1. Life Expectancy by Year: Start by connecting the 'gapminder.csv' dataset to Tableau Public. Create a line graph that displays the average life expectancy over the years, with continents distinguished by color. Name this sheet "LifeExpByYear."
  2. GDP Per Capita by Year: In a new worksheet, create a line graph showing the average GDP per capita over the years, with the population represented by marker size. Name this sheet "GdpPercapByYear."
  3. Population Growth by Year: Create a new worksheet to construct an area chart showcasing the population growth over the years, with continents color-coded. Name this sheet "PopByYear."
  4. Life Expectancy vs. GDP Per Capita: In another new worksheet, generate a scatterplot depicting the relationship between average life expectancy and GDP per capita, with countries differentiated by color and population represented by marker size. Use the "Pages" pane to add a time dimension. Name this sheet "LifeExpVsGdpPercap."
  5. Dashboard Creation: Now, assemble a dashboard using the four sheets created in questions 1-4. Choose "Automatic" for the size pane and select "Tiled" within Objects. Rename the dashboard "Dashboard_gapminder" and save it to your Tableau Public profile. Download the dashboard as an image (.PNG) and insert it into this document.
  6. Insight and Experience: Write a detailed explanation of the insights gained from your dashboard. Include your experience with the scatterplot animation and compare it to Hans Rosling's YouTube video from Module 2. Additionally, provide feedback on your overall experience with this project, discussing how it affected your confidence in working with Tableau Public.

Insights and Experience:

In the "Dashboard_gapminder," you'll find four distinct visualizations, each offering valuable insights.

  • On the top left, the "Life Expectancy by Year" graph reveals a clear upward trend in life expectancy over the years. However, it's striking to see that Africa lags behind significantly in terms of life expectancy compared to other continents.
  • In the top right, "GDP Per Capita by Year" demonstrates a correlation between GDP per capita and population, with thicker lines indicating higher populations.
  • The "Population by Year" graph in the lower left corner highlights the rapid population growth in Asia when compared to other continents.
  • The "Life Expectancy vs. GDP Per Capita by Years and Country" visualization in the lower right corner showcases a fascinating relationship. Over time, most countries exhibit increased life expectancy and GDP per capita, following an upward-right trend. This trend resonates with the insights from Hans Rosling's video, emphasizing that, with time, countries worldwide have improved in terms of health and prosperity. Asian countries, in particular, are catching up with the Western world in these aspects.

Overall, working on this project has been a delightful experience. Tableau Public makes data visualization easy and productive. The drag-and-drop functionality is exceptional, allowing you to create complex visualizations with minimal effort. This experience has significantly boosted my confidence in working with Tableau Public, proving that it is a powerful tool for transforming data into meaningful insights.

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