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How to Analyze Student Health and Behavior Data Using SPSS

October 27, 2023
Mira Laurent
Mira Laurent
🇦🇺 Australia
Mira Laurent, an SPSS Homework Expert, holds a Master's degree from Queen's University in Canada. With over 11 years of experience in statistical analysis, she excels in guiding students through complex SPSS assignments, ensuring accurate and insightful results.
Key Topics
  • Problem Description:
  • Solution
  • Control and Treatment Groups Comparison:
  • Descriptive Statistics for Treatment Group:
Tip of the day
Before applying any statistical test, understand its assumptions, such as normality, independence, or equal variance. Using a test inappropriately can lead to misleading results and incorrect conclusions.
Tableau introduces real-time statistical analysis features, improving data visualization for academic projects.

In this analytical journey, we employ the power of SPSS to analyze a multifaceted dataset encompassing the perspectives of students on physical activity, internal consistency measures, correlations with baseline physical indicators, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of participant randomization. Explore the tables and findings below for a comprehensive understanding of the student health and behavior data.

Problem Description:

The SPSS homework aimed to analyze student data related to school, gender, race, grade, and treatment homework. The goal was to assess the students' perspectives on physical activity and health, specifically their value-expectancy and self-efficacy measures. The homework also included data regarding the internal consistency of these measures and correlations with baseline physical activity and heart rate. Furthermore, it assessed whether the randomization of participants into control and treatment groups was effective in creating similar groups.


Table for Task 2: Student Perspectives on Physical Activity

This table displays the students' perspectives on physical activity, including how it may help them cope with stress, be fun, make new friends, and more. The percentages and frequencies are presented for various responses.

Coping with Stress
Strongly Disagree124.0
Strongly Agree10535.0
Having Fun
Strongly Disagree62.0
Strongly Agree17558.3

Table for Task 4: Internal Consistency Measures

This table presents the internal consistency measures (Cronbach's alpha) for derived value-expectancy and self-efficacy measures. The high values of Cronbach's alpha suggest strong internal consistency.

Cronbach's AlphaN of Items
Value-Expectancy Measures0.8798
Self-Efficacy Measures0.8388

High values of Cronbach's alpha indicate excellent internal consistency.

Table for Task 12: Correlation Analysis

This table shows the correlations between various scales and baseline physical activity and heart rate. The values indicate the strength of the relationships between different variables.

CorrelationsSEPREVEPREPhysical ActivityHeart Rate
Physical Activity (Cycles/Minute).594**.541**1-.207**
Heart Rate (Beats/Minute)-.113-.172**-.207**1

Control and Treatment Groups Comparison:

The comparison of the control and treatment groups suggests that randomization worked effectively, as the frequencies are remarkably similar for variables like gender, race, grade, and more. For example, in the control group, 50% were male and 50% female, while the treatment group had 51.4% female and 48.6% male. The similarity is observed across various variables.

This evidence supports the conclusion that randomization was successful.

Descriptive Statistics for Treatment Group:

In the treatment group, descriptive statistics for the variables SEPRE, VEPRE, and baseline physical activity are provided, including the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation.

MinimumMaximumMeanStd. Deviation
Physical Activity (Cycles/Minute)127.52924.65495.9919152.08977

These statistics help provide insights into the treatment group's data.

In summary, the homework involved analyzing data related to students' perspectives on physical activity, internal consistency measures, correlations, and the effectiveness of randomization. The provided tables and comparisons offer a comprehensive understanding of the data and its implications.

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